Saturday, October 29, 2011

Now, November

As millions of paper poppies once more begin appearing on our streets, we this week mark All Souls' Day, and throughout the month of November we will pray for those we have known and loved who have gone before us. On Armistice Day and Remembrance Sunday, we will pause to acknowledge the sacrifice of those who have fallen in the service of their countrymen and in defence of freedom. We pray also for those who get caught in the crossfire of war and conflict, and ultimately we pray for peace in our world. These commemorations, held in ever shorter and colder days, could easily leave us feeling sombre, but our prayers for the faithful departed should be made not with a sense of loss, but with a sense of hope.

"Each one of us cherishes the memory of someone… who has helped us to grow in the faith and has made us feel the goodness and closeness of God… Let us remember that… in the tombs, only the mortal remains of our loved ones rest, while awaiting the final resurrection. Their souls -- as Scripture says -- already 'are in the hand of God.' Hence, the most appropriate and effective way to honour them is to pray for them, offering acts of faith, hope and charity." (Pope Benedict XVI, 2009)

This coming week at Newman House:
Sunday 30th October
     1800- Identity and Love: How can my self-esteem grow? (part 2)
     2030- All Hallows' Eve Party (fancy dress!)
Monday 31st October
     1800- UCL CathSoc: Catholic Ghost Walk
Tuesday 1st November
     1230, 1730, 2100: Masses All Saints’ Day (Holy Day of Obligation)
     1800-2030: Adoration (TBC)
Wednesday 2nd November
     1230, 1730: Masses for All Souls’ Day (Commemoration of the Faithful Departed)
     1300: Mass @London Met, City Campus
Thursday 3rd November
     2000- Shema: Exploring God's Word- Listening to Our Hearts

Coming soon: images and reflections from the student pilgrimage to Aylesford Priory!

Picture credit: hazelsheard, "milan cathedral candles 1" (

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