Tuesday, March 10, 2009

from Ashes to Resurrection

Lenten preparation has taken on a whole new meaning for me this year. We were still in the midst of “Ordinary Time” when the Palms and Palm Crosses from Palm Sunday last year were gathered, roasted and ground to produce the Ashes.

The burnt palm leaves, ground by David into ash.


The Ashes epitomise what Lent means to me. Genesis reminds us that “For dust we are, and unto dust we shall return.” Job, in his final answer, retracts all that he said, and “in dust and ashes I repent”. His actions speak of conversion, an integral process of our Catholic faith.
My own conversion took place over 6 years ago when I decided to become a Catholic and join the RCIA group. I was eventually baptised at the Easter Vigil 2003. Looking back on the 6 years that have passed since, I feel proud that I have come a long way in terms of spiritual growth. However, I do acknowledge that the journey is far from over. Conversion is an ongoing process in our Christian lives, and it certainly did not end for me the moment I was baptised.
During this season, as the end-of-term fatigue sets in for many of us, we are taken out of our comfort zone and challenged to lead a life of simplicity through the penitential practices of prayer, almsgiving and fasting. We are called to follow the narrow path that leads to life, and not the broad way that leads to destruction. It will be tough, but let us not lose sight of our ultimate aim – the Paschal Vigil, where as we renew or, in the case of some, recite for the first time our baptismal promises; the old, sinful individuals in us die, and we experience a new birth.
Finally, do pray for those preparing for the Easter Sacraments. As mentioned I have been on that part of the journey before, prayers from friends, family and fellow Catholics were invaluable indeed.

David Vera

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