Monday, April 28, 2008
One more step.....
Robert Colquhoun was received into full communion with the Catholic Church at Newman House in 2004, and was a regular member of the Cathsoc at King's. He is now in formation for the priesthood at Allen Hall for the Archdiocese of Westminster. Robert has done many exciting things since his days as a student, including working with the World Youth Alliance.
Robert, and a number of other seminarians, will mark a significant step on the way to ordination when they are admitted to the ministry of Lector at Allen Hall on Saturday 10 May, at 6pm. Please pray for them.
The Reverend Edward Houghton is currently a deacon. He too was once a resident at Newman House and, Laus Deo, will be ordained to the priesthood at Westminster Cathedral by the Cardinal, on 31 May. We rejoice with him, and ask God to bless him richly as he prepares for his ordination. Ad multo annos!
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Mass in the Extraordinary Form at Newman House
None of those conditions exist at Newman House. 1. I have no desire to celebrate Mass privately, whether in the ordinary or extraordinary form; 2. Students are not a stable group, but are only here temporarily; 3. I am not a parish priest.
I therefore felt it necessary to refer this matter to the local bishop, the Cardinal, who is responsible for the liturgical life within his diocese. The Cardinal has agreed that there should be one such celebration at the Chaplaincy per Academic Year, and I am very happy to follow his suggestion.
There are several opportunities for students to attend Mass in the extraordinary form within very easy walking distance of Newman House. These include Corpus Christi, Maiden Lane, St James, Spanish Place, and St Etheldreda, Ely Place. The Oratory in Brompton is also well known for offering Mass in the extraordinary form. The desire of those Catholics who wish to attend Mass in the extraordinary form is therefore well catered for.
Nevertheless, since the Roman Rite is the patrimony of the Catholic Church, and the extraordinary form is the expression of the Roman Rite that formerly obtained, I believe it would be a useful part of developing a fuller experience of the Catholic tradition for students to be exposed to this form of the Roman Rite.
I discussed this matter at length with the Area Dean, and with a representative of the Latin Mass Society. The LMS and Fr Phipps have kindly agreed to assist us by the provision of servers and other requisites for the celebration of the extraordinary form.
A Mass in the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite will be celebrated in the Newman House Chapel on Saturday 10 May 2008 at 10.30am.
Fr Peter Wilson
Senior Chaplain
Monday, April 21, 2008
Variety Night
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Vocations Sunday
Paul Reilly was resident at Newman House in 2003-4, and began his discernment with the White Fathers in January 2007. Known for a wry – nay, wicked – sense of humour and self-effacing modesty he endured with good grace the teasing that is to be expected about being an American abroad!
Things are going well here with the White Fathers. I'm currently in Guadalajara, Mexico and just about to complete my first full year of philosophy. The fathers in the US sent me to Mexico because that's where the majority of the vocations are for the White Fathers in the North American province. That meant that, starting last summer, I had to brush up on my Spanish in order to get it to the state whereby I could enrol in philosophy classes here. It's been quite an interesting ride, but I've enjoyed it. I've done surprising well in my courses and have had some wonderful pastoral experiences, especially during this past Holy Week when we were sent out to some small poor villages to help the understaffed local clergy with their responsibilities.
Please remember Paul in your prayers, and all of our alumni who are in formation.
At first I was quite sceptical of coming to Mexico for the first part of my formation as I obviously feel called to a vocation serving the Church in Africa, but, just as I have in every location I have had the privilege to call home over the past few years, I have been blessed by God to see his presence in all with whom I have come in contact. I'll be heading home in May for 3 weeks holiday before heading off to Quebec City, Canada for a 6-week course in French, which will help me get ready for the novitiate in Burkina Faso (which will be in French), where, if God so chooses, I'll go in September 2009. So, one more year of philosophy and then the real fun Africa!