Monday, February 11, 2008

Preparing for the Easter Sacraments

Lent is a time of Baptismal Preparation, and the whole Church unites in praying with and for those who will be welcomed into the Church at Easter - either by Baptism or by Reception into Full Communion with the Catholic Church.

On the First Sunday in Lent all the Catechumens (those preparing for Baptism) and Candidates for Reception gather with the Bishop for the Rite of Election. In this wonderful ceremony the Catholic community prays for them and the Bishop "Elects" them to receive the Sacraments of Initiation in these words:
Then I declare you now to be members of the elect, to be initiated into the sacred mysteries at the next Easter Vigil.
Our 3 catechumens, Claudia, Ben and Eugene, and our candidate, Simon, participated in the Rite of Election at Westminster this past weekend. The Cardinal presided over the Liturgy, and afterwards there was an opportunity to greet the auxiliary bishops.

Please pray for them as we hasten towards Easter and their full inclusion in the Catholic Church.

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