Monday, February 19, 2007

Ash Wednesday at Newman House

Mass at Newman House on Ash Wednesday


5.30pm (Sung Mass)


Also check out at your College for Mass there.

Ash Wednesday is not a day of obligation, but it is a day of devotion, so all should make an attempt to be at Mass.

It is also a day of fasting and abstinence, which is binding on all Catholics.

Abstinence means no meat - despite the fact that a few years ago one of our very committed residents decided to be very charitable and cooked bacon and eggs for his fellow-housemates! Fridays throughout Lent (indeed, throughout the year) are also days of abstinence. I know there are some vegetarians about - you should exclude something else from your staple diet, such as dairy or eggs.

Fasting means only one main meal, with a "light collation" at other times. However, try to be as disciplined as possible. We are all so overfed that it might do us good to eat as little as possible, even for our main meal.
At Newman House we have an "austerity supper" at 7.30pm: simple soup, bread and cheese, for which a small donation is asked as a gift for the poor and needy. Anyone is welcome to join us for this.

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